Join Fetch

In a POJO, you can use @JoinFetch on a field or class to filter associated entities. The difference from @Join is that this allows fetching all lazy-related data at once.

Single Level Fetch

For example, consider a Customer entity that has a one-to-many relationship with an Order entity:

class Customer {

  @OneToMany(fetch = LAZY, cascade = ALL)
  @JoinColumn(name = "order_id")
  private Collection<Order> orders;

class Order {
  private String itemName;

If you want to fetch Order data when retrieving Customer, you can do:

@JoinFetch(paths = "orders")
class CustomerOrderCriteria {

  String name;

The executed SQL will be like:

select distinct 
  customer0_.* ...,
  orders1_.* ...
from customer customer0_ 
inner outer join orders orders1_ on 

You can see that orders1_.* is also included in the select fields.

Join Behavior

To better align with most usage scenarios, the default behavior is as follows:

  • The default join type is INNER.
  • Duplicate results are removed (distinct).

You can modify the default behavior by configuring @JoinFetch#joinType or @JoinFetch#distinct, for example:

@JoinFetch(joinType = JoinType.RIGHT, distinct = false)

With Clause

@JoinFetch also allows filtering data. For example, if you want to filter both customer names and order names, define a POJO as follows:

@JoinFetch(path = "orders", alias = "o")
public class CustomerOrderCriteria {

  String name;

  @Spec(path = "o.itemName", value = In.class)
  Collection<String> items;

The executed SQL will be like:

select distinct 
  customer0_.* ...,
  orders1_.* ...
from customer customer0_ 
inner outer join orders orders1_ on 
where and orders1_.item_name in (?)

@JoinFetch can also be used at the field level, for example:

public class CustomerOrderCriteria {

  String name;

  @JoinFetch(path = "orders", alias = "o")
  @Spec(path = "o.itemName", value = In.class)
  Collection<String> items;

Multi Level Fetches

You can use @JoinFetches to define multi-level fetches. For example, if the Order entity has a many-to-many relationship with a Tag entity:

class Customer {

  @OneToMany(cascade = ALL, fetch = LAZY)
  @JoinColumn(name = "order_id")
  private Set<Order> orders;

class Order {
  @ManyToMany(cascade = ALL, fetch = LAZY)
  private Set<Tag> tags;

class Tag {

  private String name;

If you want to query customers who purchased items belonging to specific categories, define a POJO as follows:

class CustomerOrderTagCriteria {

    @JoinFetch(path = "orders", alias = "o"),
    @JoinFetch(path = "o.tags", alias = "t")
  @Spec(path = "", value = In.class)
  Collection<String> tags;

The executed SQL will be like:

select distinct 
  customer0_.* ...,
  orders1_.* ...,
  tag3_.* ...
from customer customer0_ 
inner join orders orders1_ on 
inner join orders_tags tags2_ on 
inner join tag tag3_ on 
where in (?)

@JoinFetches can also be used at the class level, making the aliases available across fields in the same object. For example:

  @JoinFetch(path = "orders", alias = "o"),
  @JoinFetch(path = "o.tags", alias = "t")
public class CustomerOrderCriteria {

  @Spec(path = "o.itemName", value = In.class)
  Collection<String> items;

  @Spec(path = "", value = In.class)
  Collection<String> tags;

Fetches Order

Annotations are processed in order, so @JoinFetches must be defined in the correct sequence.

For example, in the previous scenario, the following order is incorrect:

class CustomerOrderTagCriteria {

    @JoinFetch(path = "o.tags", alias = "t"), // "o" alias will be not exist during processing this @Join
    @JoinFetch(path = "orders", alias = "o")
  @Spec(path = "", value = In.class)
  Collection<String> tagNames;


The usage rules for @JoinFetch#alias are as follows:

  • It is shared within the same POJO
  • It cannot be declared multiple times within the same POJO
  • If not provided, the default alias is @JoinFetch#path
  • If it contains ., it will be replaced with _

For example:

  @JoinFetch(path = "orders"), // default alias is "orders"
  @JoinFetch(path = "orders.tags") // default alias is "orders_tags"
@Spec(path = "", value = In.class)
Last modified March 10, 2025: docs: fix (54199da)