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    In a POJO, you can use @Join on a field or class to filter related entities.

    Single Level Join

    To use @Join, you first need to define the relationship in your entity. For example, a Customer entity has a one-to-many relationship with an Order entity:

    class Customer {
      @OneToMany(cascade = ALL, fetch = LAZY)
      @JoinColumn(name = "order_id")
      private Collection<Order> orders;
    class Order {
      private String itemName;

    If you want to query customers who bought specific items, you can define a POJO like this:

    public class CustomerOrderCriteria {
      @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o")
      @Spec(path = "o.itemName", value = In.class)
      Collection<String> items;

    The executed SQL will be like:

    select distinct customer0_.* from customer customer0_ 
    inner join orders orders1_ on 
    where orders1_.item_name in (? , ?)

    @Join can also be used at the class level. In this case, all fields within the same object can use the alias to apply additional conditions to the joined entity. For example:

    @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o")
    public class CustomerOrderCriteria {
      @Spec(path = "o.itemName", value = In.class)
      Collection<String> items;
      @Spec(path = "o.orderNo", value = StartingWith.class)
      String orderNo;

    Join Behavior

    To better align with most usage scenarios, the default behavior is as follows:

    • The default join type is INNER.
    • Duplicate results are removed (distinct).

    You can modify the default behavior by configuring @Join#joinType or @Join#distinct, for example:

    @Join(joinType = JoinType.RIGHT, distinct = false)

    Multi Level Joins

    You can use @Joins to define multi-level joins. For example, if the Order entity has a many-to-many relationship with a Tag entity:

    class Customer {
      @OneToMany(cascade = ALL, fetch = LAZY)
      @JoinColumn(name = "order_id")
      private Set<Order> orders;
    class Order {
      @ManyToMany(cascade = ALL, fetch = LAZY)
      private Set<Tag> tags;
    class Tag {
      private String name;

    If you want to query customers who bought items belonging to specific categories, you can define a POJO like this:

    class CustomerOrderTagCriteria {
        @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o"),
        @Join(path = "o.tags", alias = "t")
      @Spec(path = "", value = In.class)
      Collection<String> tags;

    The executed SQL will be like:

    select distinct customer0_.* from customer customer0_ 
    inner join orders orders1_ on 
    inner join orders_tags tags2_ on 
    inner join tag tag3_ on 
    where in (?)

    @Joins can also be used at the class level, allowing all fields within the same object to use the alias for additional conditions on the joined entity, for example:

      @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o"),
      @Join(path = "o.tags", alias = "t")
    public class CustomerOrderCriteria {
      @Spec(path = "o.itemName", value = In.class)
      Collection<String> items;
      @Spec(path = "", value = In.class)
      Collection<String> tags;

    Joins Order

    Annotations are processed in order, so you must define @Joins in the correct sequence.

    For example, the following definition is incorrect:

    class CustomerOrderTagCriteria {
        @Join(path = "o.tags", alias = "t"), // "o" alias will be not exist during processing this @Join
        @Join(path = "orders", alias = "o")
      @Spec(path = "", value = In.class)
      Collection<String> tagNames;


    The usage rules for @Join#alias are as follows:

    • It is shared within the same POJO
    • It cannot be declared multiple times within the same POJO
    • If not provided, the default alias is @Join#path
    • If it contains ., it will be replaced with _

    For example:

      @Join(path = "orders"), // default alias is "orders"
      @Join(path = "orders.tags") // default alias is "orders_tags"
    @Spec(path = "", value = In.class)