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Config SpecMapper

    During application startup, the starter automatically configures a Default SpecMapper and registers it as a Spring @Bean, allowing you to retrieve it via Autowired.

    @Autowired SpecMapper specMapper;

    For example, if you want to enhance the specifications before performing the query, you can use the SpecMapper as follows:

    class PersonService {
      @Autowired SpecMapper specMapper;
      @Autowired PersonRepository personRepository;
      List<Person> getPersonByCriteria(PersonCriteria criteria) {
        var spec = specMapper.toSpec(criteria);
        // Perform additional operations on the spec, ex:
        // spec = spec.and((root, query, criteriaBuilder) ->  {
        //     ...
        // });
        return personRepository.findAll(spec);

    In the above example, the SpecMapper is injected into the PersonService, allowing you to convert the criteria into a specification using specMapper.toSpec(). You can then modify the spec as needed before passing it to the personRepository for querying.


    The starter provides multiple ways to adjust the configuration of the Default SpecMapper.


    SpecificationResolver allows you to add custom Spec annotations. Simply register your custom implementation as a Spring @Bean, and it will be automatically detected and configured during application startup.

    class MyConfig {
      SpecificationResolver myResolver() {
        return ...

    If your SpecificationResolver needs access to the SpecMapper itself, you can wrap it in a SpecificationResolverCodecBuilder. This way, the SpecCodec, which is the interface of SpecMapper, will be passed in when constructing the resolver. Here’s an example:

    class MyConfig {
      SpecificationResolverCodecBuilder myResolver() {
        return MySpecificationResolver::new;
    class MySpecificationResolver implements SpecificationResolver {
      private final SpecCodec codec;
      MySpecificationResolver(SpecCodec codec) {
        // Keep the SpecCodec around to be used.
        this.codec = codec;
      // implementation goes here

    In the above example, the MySpecificationResolver is constructed with the SpecCodec provided by the SpecMapper. This allows you to access and utilize the SpecMapper functionality within your custom resolver.


    SkippingStrategy defines rules for skipping specific fields. By registering your custom implementation as a Spring @Bean, it will be automatically detected and added to the Default SpecMapper during application startup.


    class MyConfig {
      SkippingStrategy mySkippingStrategy() {
        return ...


    As described in Logging, different Logger Name strategies are available. You can enable impersonation mode using the spec.mapper.impersonate-logger property. By default, this setting is disabled. To enable it:

        # Whether to impersonate the logger of the actual object being processed, off by default
        impersonate-logger: true

    For full customization, register your own ASTWriterFactory implementation as a Spring @Bean, and it will be automatically detected and added to the Default SpecMapper.


    class MyConfig {
      ASTWriterFactory myASTWriterFactory() {
        return ...

    Customize SpecMapper

    You can also fully customize SpecMapper by registering your own implementation as a Spring @Bean, which will take precedence over the default configuration.


    class MyConfig {
      SpecMapper mySpecMapper() {
        return SpecMapper.builder()
          . ...