Simple Specs
在 POJO 中, 你可以在 Field 上使用 @Spec
來定義 Specification
的實作, 預設是 Equals
@Spec // 同等於 @Spec(Equals.class)
String firstname;
對應的 entity path 預設會使用 field name, 你也可以設定 @Spec#path
@Spec(path = "...") // 有定義則優先使用
String firstname; // 預設使用欄位名稱
Built-in @Spec
以下是內建的 @Spec
Spec | Supported field type | Sample | JPQL snippet |
Equals | Any | @Spec(Equals.class) String firstname; | ... where x.firstname = ? |
NotEquals | Any | @Spec(NotEquals.class) String firstname; | ... where x.firstname <> ? |
Between | Iterable of Comparable (Expected exact 2 elements in Iterable) | @Spec(Between.class) List<Integer> age; | ... where x.age between ? and ? |
LessThan | Comparable | @Spec(LessThan.class) Integer age; | ... where x.age < ? |
LessThanEqual | Comparable | @Spec(LessThanEqual.class) Integer age; | ... where x.age <= ? |
GreaterThan | Comparable | @Spec(GreaterThan.class) Integer age; | ... where x.age > ? |
GreaterThanEqual | Comparable | @Spec(GreaterThanEqual.class) Integer age; | ... where x.age >= ? |
After | Comparable | @Spec(After.class) LocalDate startDate; | ... where x.startDate > ? |
Before | Comparable | @Spec(Before.class) LocalDate startDate; | ... where x.startDate < ? |
IsNull | Boolean | @Spec(IsNull.class) Boolean age; | ... where x.age is null (if true)... where x.age not null (if false) |
NotNull | Boolean | @Spec(NotNull .class) Boolean age; | ... where x.age not null (if true)... where x.age is null (if false) |
Like | String | @Spec(Like.class) String firstname; | ... where x.firstname like %?% |
NotLike | String | @Spec(NotLike.class) String firstname; | ... where x.firstname not like %?% |
StartingWith | String | @Spec(StartingWith.class) String firstname; | ... where x.firstname like ?% |
EndingWith | String | @Spec(EndingWith.class) String firstname; | ... where x.firstname like %? |
In | Iterable of Any | @Spec(In.class) Set<String> firstname; | ... where x.firstname in (?, ?, ...) |
NotIn | Iterable of Any | @Spec(NotIn.class) Set<String> firstname; | ... where x.firstname not in (?, ?, ...) |
True | Boolean | @Spec(True.class) Boolean active; | ... where = true (if true)... where = false (if false) |
False | Boolean | @Spec(False.class) Boolean active; | ... where = false (if true)... where = true (if false) |
HasLength | Boolean | @Spec(HasLength.class) Boolean firstname; | ... where x.firstname is not null and character_length(x.firstname)>0 (if true)... where not(x.firstname is not null and character_length(x.firstname)>0) (if false) |
HasText | Boolean | @Spec(HasText.class) Boolean firstname; | ... where x.firstname is not null and character_length(trim(BOTH from x.firstname))>0 (if true)... where not(where x.firstname is not null and character_length(trim(BOTH from x.firstname))>0) (if false) |
為了方便已經熟悉 Spring Data JPA 的人使用, 以上名稱都是儘量跟著 Query Methods 一樣
Negates @Spec
你可以使用 @Spec#not
來判斷反向條件, 預設是 false
, 設定成 true
例如, 我想要用 Between
找不在區間內的資料, 則範例如下:
@Spec(value = Between.class, not = true)
Collection<Integer> age;
執行的 SQL 會類似:
... where x.age not between ? and ?
Extending @Spec
@Spec 是可以很容易擴充的, 只要實作了 SimpleSpecification<T>
並提供規定的 Constructor, 這些 class 就可以被定義在 @Spec 中
例如, 我有個 Customer Entity, 有以下欄位:
- firstname (String) - 人名, 可重複
- createdTime (LocalDateTime) - 建立時間, 不可重複
我希望可以找出每個人名中, 建立時間為最新的那筆資料! 且我打算撰寫一個 subquery 來完成這需求, 完整的範例如下:
首先我們實作 SimpleSpecification<T>
, 並提供規定的 Constructor:
public class MaxCustomerCreatedTime extends SimpleSpecification<Customer> {
// 這是規定必須提供的建構值, 修飾詞不限定: public, protected, default, private 都支援
protected MaxCustomerCreatedTime(Context context, String path, Object value) {
super(context, path, value);
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Customer> root,
CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder builder) {
// 以下提供 subquery 的實作, 僅供參考
var subquery = query.subquery(LocalDateTime.class);
var subroot = subquery.from(Customer.class);
).where(builder.equal(root.get((String) value), subroot.get((String) value)));
return builder.equal(root.get("createdTime"), subquery);
上面完成的 MaxCustomerCreatedTime
就可以被應用在 @Spec 中了, 接著我們定義 POJO 及進行 Specification
public class CustomerCriteria {
String maxBy;
var criteria = new CustomerCriteria();
var spec = mapper.toSpec(criteria, Customer.class);
執行的 SQL 會類似:
... where customer0_.created_time=(
select max(customer1_.created_time) from customer customer1_
where customer0_.firstname=customer1_.firstname