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Query by Spec

    Query by Spec (QBS) 提供了 QueryBySpecExecutor<T> 包含了許多查詢方法:

    public interface QueryBySpecExecutor<T> {
      List<T> findBySpec(Object spec);
      List<T> findBySpec(Object spec, Sort sort);
      Page<T> findBySpec(Object spec, Pageable pageable);
      // … more functionality omitted.

    只要在原本的 repository interface 中去繼承 QueryBySpecExecutor<T> 就可以直接使用了:

    public interface PersonRepository 
      extends JpaRepository<Person, Long>, QueryBySpecExecutor<Person> {
    public class PersonService {
      @Autowired PersonRepository personRepository;
      public List<Person> findPeople(PersonCriteria criteria) {
        return personRepository.findBySpec(criteria);

    Customize Base Repository

    在配置的過程中, QBS 會自動配置 Spring Data JPA 的 Base Repository, 預設的實作為 DefaultQueryBySpecExecutor

    由於 Java 只能單一繼承, 為了應用程式可以保留原有的 Parent Base Repository, QBS 還多提供了 QueryBySpecExecutorAdapter 擴展點

    你的應用程式可以視情況選擇繼承 DefaultQueryBySpecExecutor 或實作 QueryBySpecExecutorAdapter 去客製化 Base Repository, 如:

    class MyRepositoryImpl<T, ID> extends SimpleJpaRepository<T, ID>
      implements QueryBySpecExecutorAdapter<T> {
      private SpecMapper specMapper;
      private final EntityManager entityManager;
      MyRepositoryImpl(JpaEntityInformation entityInformation,
                              EntityManager entityManager) {
        super(entityInformation, entityManager);
        // Keep the EntityManager around to used from the newly introduced methods.
        this.entityManager = entityManager;
      public Class<T> getDomainClass() {
        return super.getDomainClass();
      public <S extends T> S mySave(S entity) {
        // implementation goes here

    並且透過 properties 中的 spec.mapper.repository-base-class 設定成自定義的 base repository 的 fulll package name, 如:

        repository-base-class: com.example.MyRepositoryImpl